Mini-workshop on SHall & HHiPcs 浅谈人本健康信息力学与互联网时代全民健康与教育:关于智慧健康的新思考与新探索


A core conceptual framework that can help to approaching the goal of health  and education for all citizens, especially in the era of m-Internet
by XIAO Shaobo1 , CHEN Lin2
1 大学数字中国研究院 / 数字家庭与智慧健康中心,
2. 北京大学数字中国研究院 / 数字家庭与智慧健康中心,
北京中瑞人本健康信息力学研究院 ( 筹 )



A core conceptual framework that can help to approaching the goal of
health and education for all citizens, especially in the era of m-Internet
( 一个移动互联网时代全民健康与教育的概念框架 )

HHinfpics=Human-centered, Health-focused information Power science,HHiPcs; which was closely related with health  informatics

人 Human=service providers+receivers +others who supports

电子技术 All e-tools incl. ICTs and web-based technologies incl mInternet and digitalized med- instruments/devices for hospitals and home-based applications for all

HOW ? MC  helps !

KEY :积累和应用二手一手结合的信息资源:为个性化的医疗与健
康解决方案所必需的 Information /knowledge, should be a nice selec
tion + integration of those from 2nd and 1st hand, should be a result
of case study for individualized solution of best medical and health car
e, but how ?

MC can help to understand and use the core conceptua
l framework so that to best strengthen the capacity/capa
bility for approaching the goal of health and education fo
r all citizens, especially in the era of m-Internet( 智慧健康
与教育的目标 )

For more details please refer our article “From HeH1 to HHiPcs2 ( From Human-centered eHealth to Human-centered & Health-focused information Power Science ) : The latest achievements of research and practice in SHall/ SHIF ( Smart Health for all citizens and Smart Health & Intelligent Family )

全民智慧健康的实际探索   The practice of Smart Health
互联网 + 全民健康与教育   Internet+ Health&Education for all

第三方 (MC) 服务案例报告:急性心肌梗死 (2014-6)
A case report: AMI(Acute myocardial infarction)

苗某,男性 (Male) , 64 岁 (Age:64y) ,工人 (Worker)
诊断 (Diagnosis) :冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病
coronary atherosclerotic heart disease,CAHD
症状( Symptom ):反复出现心脏骤停( heart arrest )
检查( Examinations ):行冠脉造影( CAG ; coronary angiography )

第三方服务( MC service )
接收远程传输病例和影像资料(山西 — 北京, QQ , Email )
随访结果( Follow up )
转院(山西某县医院 —- 西安某三级医院)

第三方 (MC) 服务案例报告:椎管内神经鞘瘤 ( 胸 12- 腰 1)
A case report: Intraspinal Neurilemmoma ( T12-L1 )
陈某,女性( Female ) ,63 岁( Age : 63y ),工人( worker )
症状( Symptom ):右腿疼痛( backpain ),行走困难 (difficulty walking)
初步诊断( Diagnosis ):腰间盘突出 ( Slipped Disc) ?
就诊医院 (Hospital) :腰腿痛专科医院、社区医院、市人民医院、北京某三家医院
治疗经过 (Treatment) :中医:针灸( Acupuncture )
中药( Traditional Chinese medicine )
西医:各种实验室及辅助检查,核磁检查 (MRI) 确诊

第三方 (MC) 服务案例报告:椎管内神经鞘瘤 ( 胸 12- 腰 1)
A case report: Intraspinal Neurilemmoma ( T12-L1 )
明确诊断( Diagnosis ):椎管内神经鞘瘤、腰间盘突出
第三方服务( MC service )
随访结果:( Follow up )行走基本正常,术后半年复查 MRI 未见肿瘤复发。

Big Data 大数据时代的健康服务业态, MC 是社区卫生和居家服务的底层业务支撑,家庭健康日志的建立和管理是核心业务,全民健康信息力是纲


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